users conducting conversion from PDF to Excel all the
time, a swift and efficient desktop application is a
necessity. Free Convert PDF to Excel
is a free PDF to Excel converter that
can detect & extract tables from PDF files
and convert into fully formatted Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets. The layout and images, links,
column & row structure and more will be perfectly
preserved from even the most difficult PDF documents.
Batch Convert
PDF to Excel
If you have a
lot of tables in PDF and want to use them for
calculation & analysis, using Free Convert
PDF to Excel to convert them to Excel worksheet
is a perfect solution. It can batch convert
as many PDF files as you want and recreate the
included tables in Excel XLS files without the
need to reformat.
How to Convert PDF to Excel?
Preserve Layout &
In the resulting
Excel files, Free Convert PDF to Excel will
keep everything you see in the original PDF
files: the graphics, textual contents, columns,
rows, hyperlinks, etc. All the layout &
formatting will not be changed without your
Freeware to Generate
Top Quality
Using Free Convert
PDF to Excel will not cost you money in anyway
while it is providing incomparable quality of
resulting files. It works like most of the expensive
PDF converters that require quite a lot money,
or even better - we guarantee that not a bit
of your data will be lost.
Optional Page
Range & Alignment Control
Free Convert
PDF to Excel is able to convert just a part
of the PDF pages instead of all of them. You
can also adjust the left & top indent by
entering the number of empty columns you want.
It is free to decide whether to keep the original
alignment or not.
Worksheet Output
For a multipage
PDF that have tables on different pages, Free
Convert PDF to Excel can combine all extracted
tables into a single Excel sheet; or if you
like, keep them the way they are, in different
No Need of Acrobat
Expensive Adobe
Acrobat is not needed to use Free Convert PDF
to Excel, nor any other PDF software or web
browser plugins. You don't need Microsoft Excel
installed either. Free Convert PDF to Excel
is the one and the only.
Better Replacement
for Online Converter
You should avoid
using online PDF converters as most of them
do not allow you to upload PDF files bigger
than a certain size; some even prevent you from
inputting over 3 files at a time; you information
could be in danger if you provide them to those
services that require registration; both the
original PDF you uploaded and the resulting
file you need to download are stored on their
server - not safe for crucial documentation;
you need network connection to use them. All
these drawbacks of online converters make Free
Convert PDF to Excel a better choice.
What are the system requirements?
Intel Pentium 3 500MHz or equivalent processor
At least 256 MB RAM
50 MB free hard disk space
Graphics mode 800x600, 16-bit color
Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Intel Pentium 4 1GHz or equivalent processor
512 MB RAM
Minimum 100 MB free hard disk space
Graphics mode 1024x768 true color (highest 32-bit)
Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8